NEEF Loans Derailing Creation of one Million Jobs and Frustrating Efforts by Skilled Youths to Develop.

Government has been faulted for failing to fulfil obligations in the disbursement of National Economic Empowerment Fund NEEF Loans.

This has been disclosed during the commemoration of this year’s International Youth Skills Day.

The commemorations have been held in Mangochi district.

According to Youth under various support groups in Mangochi, they have earned alot of skills from technical colleges but are lacking financial support to boost their ability to transforming this country.

In addition, the Youths said government is not investing in the skillful youths and yet frustrating efforts to fulfil campaign promises which included creation of one million jobs.

The Youths claim that it is wrong to consider them leaders of the future rather it’s high time they are considered as leaders of the present and the future in all aspects of Development.

During the event Youths showcased various skills and innovations which they have acquired from technical colleges.

For example, Monkey – Bay youth network a youth organisation which trades in production of cooking oil, challenged to bring change in the current skyrocketing of cooking oil prices which the grouping is producing from pumpkin seeds and sunflower

Monkey – Bay Youth Network presenting what is on their pavilion.

They have meanwhile cited lack of resources as a set back in the progress of their skills.

Moreover the youths indicated that, over 1000 youths are working in various Organisations in the district but still lack financial support according to Zakaria Allisah District Youth Network Chairperson Mangochi District.

On his part Kumbukani Manda District Youth Officer for Mangochi said this is derailing numerous developmental activities.

Speaking at the event, Mangochi DC Raphael Pilingu said government is geared to transforming the lives of youths and that they will take the issues there in to the rightful officials for redressing.

And on her part, Mangochi Central Member of Parliament Victoria Kingston said whatever problem the Youths have raised are viable and they will take it up to be addressed accordingly.