A time to reflect on the achievements of the youth’s and contributions to the vision 2063.

As one way of delivering it’s set plan of actions Bwalo La Ana Youth Active Community Organisation has joined the rest of the World in commemorating the International Youth Day.

Before ascending to power, the Tonse government promised to provide employment opportunities to a million youths(Creation of One million jobs for the youths)

Meanwhile, recently, some section of the Youth have been taking to the street fighting for a transformation in the socialeconomic well being of youth and citizens in general.

The purpose of the International Youth Day is to raise awareness of any issues that may be facing the world’s youth to celebrate their achievements.

In Malawi, alot of youths have achieved numerous developments in various aspects of education, energy, health, trade and economy, mining etc.

The youths have thus been optimistic in achieving the vision 2063.

Pope John Paul II was inspired to establish World Youth Day in 1986 by the church’s Youth Jubilee (1984), a special meeting between the pope and young Catholics held at the conclusion of the 1983–84 Year of Jubilee, and by the United Nations International Youth Year (1985).