Organisations have the ability to curbing human trafficking.

Bwalo La Ana Youth Active Community Organisation BLAYACO has joined the rest of the world in commemorating the World day against trafficking in persons.

This day was set aside in order to provide a room to be raising awareness about issues of human trafficking.

According to the United Nations – Trafficking in persons (TIP) is complex and dynamic act which involves recruiting, transporting, harboring and possession of human beings through fraudulent means with an aim of exploiting them for profit.

The UN says Traffickers often use violence or fraudulent employment agencies and fake opportunities to trick and coerce victims.

And being a global issue Malawi has not been spared from this vice, and with increase in the unemployment rate in the country many youths are at the verge of being victims of this malpractice.

And as one of it’s thematic areas, Blayaco has projects and plans that focus on ending child labor and trafficking of humans.

The theme for this year’s World Day against Trafficking in persons is “Use and Abuse of Technology” technology has lately been the hub of Trafficking as many people have been awarded false online opportunities which have rendered them wanting.

Meanwhile this year’s theme focuses on the role of technology as a tool that can both enable and impede human trafficking.

Human Trafficking. Torn pieces of paper with the words Human Trafficking. Concept Image. Black and White. Closeup.
Crumpled pieces of paper with the words Human Trafficking. Close up.
