Organisations team up in order to fill gaps that are there in trying to reach out to targeted beneficiaries.

In a bid to complement government’s effort in creating a better place for Children and Youth Bwalo La Ana Youth Active Community Organisation and Human Power Organisation Have signed a Memorandum of Understanding which will act as map to reaching out to a wider population with various developmental activities.

The two Organisations have come to terms from 12 August 2022.

Human Power Organisation (HumP) is a non profit making Organisation registered in August 2021, while Bwalo La Ana Youth Active Community Organisation (BLAYACO) as a non profit making Organisation was registered in 2009.

As per their similarities, HumP and BLAYACO respectively, support the youth towards the realisation of their dreams, by motivating and empowering youths in social – economic development, on the other hand the organisations focus on empowering the youths to actively participate in developmental roles and contributing to the country’s development.

The development has come after realizing that the two organisations have similar plans and actions aimed at reaching out to children and Youths in Malawi.

According to Executive Managers for the two organisations, Innocent Chifipa Gondwe And Samuel Kamanga respectively the MoU will creat a bridge for the gap that has been there in reaching out to Children and Youths.

The Organisations point of interest is centered on developing the life of an adolescent with mannerisms, and action centred towards developing the nation and achieving various goals including the Vision 2063.