Youth Organisations Under Blantyre District Youth Office Up to Date With Fundraising Knowledge.

A four days resource mobilisation workshop organized by the Blantyre District Youth Office has ended on a high note, with participating youth led CSOs promising to utilize the knowledge gained in order to win the interest of both international and local resource providers.

The workshop, whose target was to equip Directors of various organisations, started on 7 June 2022 and ended on Friday 10 June at the Blantyre Civic Centre Offices.Marcel Chisi and Harvey Chimaliro Executive Directors of AYISE and CYO respectively facilitated the trainings under the leadership of the DYO.

According to Chimaliro, for an organisations to secure project funding there is need for the Organisation to develop a fundraising strategy to mobilize resources.

The facilitators says as a country we have so much to admire and transform that into fortune, ” Organisations have the power to raise funds for their Organisations through individual achievements and through local and or international resource providers” Said Chimaliro.

An aspect that is lacking in these organisations is Accountability and Transparency and embracing the power of unity in their Organisation(s).

Chimaliro, gave an example of Afikepo as one source of help to organisations that are well structured and follow up every flow of income in the Organisation for record purposes.On the other hand, Marcel Chisi also tackled the issue of a strong Monitoring and Evaluation team, including the power of the Media profiling as one way of tapping into resources both locally and internationally.

“Fundraising is friendraising”. said Chisi.

He said most youth organisations lack funding because of poor structures which in-return chase the interest of funders or sponsors.

On his part, Sam Kamanga Director for Bwalo La Ana Active Youth Community Organisation BLAYACO, said the training will be a great tool which will help the organisation to develop a long term sustainable resource mobilization strategy.

He claims, organisations cannot solely depend on government to galvanize the society, therefore, complimenting the efforts equally rely on resources from a wide range of resource providers.

Fundrasing is fundraising
